Session 6; "Together"

We rediscussed our experimental performance, LIMITS(as seen in the photos) during which we stretched tape all over the room to explore the space, the boundaries within it and the limits within social relationships.

Poems: We red out some of our poems expressing ideas of Limits and Limitless, and discussed what Democracy may mean to use , in this room, in this project, at school and in the world.

We re-imagined ourselves as animals and revisited the passport challenge 1 where Laurence asked to choose an animal and define it with 3 adjectives(fluffy, farce, intelligent, stealth...)

The 3 adjectives meant to describe what we really are:
1. How others see us
2. How we think others see us
3. How we would like to be perceived by others

It was just a quick game but it is interesting to see how much it matched ourselves.

We made some masks to represent this;

We explored our relationship with our body and with others around us through games;
How can we create shapes with our body?
How can we create shapes together? How do we organise ourselves to do this?

What does it look like? feel like?
(use facial expressions as well as body shapes to create objects, buildings, sculptures..
alone, in [pairs, in 4's , all together...
