1.Arts Awards: today we discussed the progress of our Bronze Arts Award;
What have we done so far?
How did we evidence it?
What is left to do ?
We gathered photographs and told the story behind them in our books, bags, ... like a cartoon strip
2. We discussed the passport challenge on Difference- How are we different? How are we alike?
3. We played a game of Opposites/mirrors... through our frames/view finders to explore how difficult it is to replicate something/someone but also to see how everything we are is defined by our opposite.
We also discussed how at times we are one thing and another time we can be the opposite (feelings)
4. Different view points: Hat game: 6 thinking hats with 6 different colours;
We brought the brick (discussed at the gallery visit ) into the room.
The brick was placed int he middle of the room and we had to describe it with all our 6 different view points;
Showing all the different perspective you can take on looking at something (an object, a problem, an artwork...)
We talked about the bricks and this brought a lot of ideas as we were trying to think how we were going to bring all our work together into something to share and show to others in March, for the final event of the project.
The brick has been a recurrent theme and object , we have discussed it several times and have found a few answers about its possible purpose and place int he group as an object of contemplation and reflexion.

Ella wasn't very well that day!
Faking or Genuine
Fake News is in the News
Are you in...
Are you Fake?
Fix the Brick
Fake: Not the brick colour (not meant to be racist , but this could be considered as...._when we talk about colours...
Don't judge the brick by its colour!
Strategies to rebel and show our true selves at school; discussed as school shirt as tie-dye or as printed in the back so no-one knows, or even under the collar, inside the sleeves.... where can we hide things to claim our identity without being told off?
This will become part of our learnt skills ;
We show and teach others and collect evidence of what we do (Arts Award )
Proud to be a brick
Born to build together
Make bricks great again! ( fix the broken bricks/people)
(talked about Brexit)
Bricks-it or Fix-it!
Lonely as a brick
Broken like a brick
Bricks stand together
Proud to be a brick
One in a million
"50 shaped of bricks!"
Cool Bricksania/ Bricksmania!
It's all about bricks!
Match box ideas, brick wall idea with our personality hidden in it- Drawing brick and printing again and again and again, like Andy Warhol work...
Until we meet again, everyone will do an artist research for their Arts Award.
Ideas of artists;
Andy Warhol, Banksy, Bob and Roberta Smith, Sister Corita Kent, Grayson Perry....and your own!
Have a lovely Christmas and see you again in January!
(Thank you all for the lovely present and card!)
What have we done so far?
How did we evidence it?
What is left to do ?
We gathered photographs and told the story behind them in our books, bags, ... like a cartoon strip
2. We discussed the passport challenge on Difference- How are we different? How are we alike?
3. We played a game of Opposites/mirrors... through our frames/view finders to explore how difficult it is to replicate something/someone but also to see how everything we are is defined by our opposite.
We also discussed how at times we are one thing and another time we can be the opposite (feelings)
4. Different view points: Hat game: 6 thinking hats with 6 different colours;
We brought the brick (discussed at the gallery visit ) into the room.
The brick was placed int he middle of the room and we had to describe it with all our 6 different view points;
Judgemental-Value-Creative-Telling the Fact-Emotional-Managerial-
Showing all the different perspective you can take on looking at something (an object, a problem, an artwork...)
We talked about the bricks and this brought a lot of ideas as we were trying to think how we were going to bring all our work together into something to share and show to others in March, for the final event of the project.
The brick has been a recurrent theme and object , we have discussed it several times and have found a few answers about its possible purpose and place int he group as an object of contemplation and reflexion.
Ella wasn't very well that day!
Lots of ideas generated from the brick discussion, which could be printed on T-Shirts;
Faking or Genuine
Fake News is in the News
Are you in...
Are you Fake?
Fix the Brick
Fake: Not the brick colour (not meant to be racist , but this could be considered as...._when we talk about colours...
Don't judge the brick by its colour!
Strategies to rebel and show our true selves at school; discussed as school shirt as tie-dye or as printed in the back so no-one knows, or even under the collar, inside the sleeves.... where can we hide things to claim our identity without being told off?
Afternoon; Today we decide to try tie-dye techniques: Skill sharing two
This will become part of our learnt skills ;
We show and teach others and collect evidence of what we do (Arts Award )
More brick words/slogans:
Proud to be a brick
Born to build together
Make bricks great again! ( fix the broken bricks/people)
(talked about Brexit)
Bricks-it or Fix-it!
Lonely as a brick
Broken like a brick
Bricks stand together
Proud to be a brick
One in a million
"50 shaped of bricks!"
Cool Bricksania/ Bricksmania!
It's all about bricks!
Match box ideas, brick wall idea with our personality hidden in it- Drawing brick and printing again and again and again, like Andy Warhol work...
Until we meet again, everyone will do an artist research for their Arts Award.
Ideas of artists;
Andy Warhol, Banksy, Bob and Roberta Smith, Sister Corita Kent, Grayson Perry....and your own!
Have a lovely Christmas and see you again in January!
(Thank you all for the lovely present and card!)
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